Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuolumne County's Educators' Dinner!

Charlene's mother came from Nevada. She is on the right, and Gary's mother is the right. They were so proud!!! Charlene's sister drove over with their mother, but I didn't get her in the picture.
The Babes turned out to help Charlene celebrate the Tuolumne County's Life-time Educator's Achievement Award! Congratulations, Charlene!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

New goslings and parents!

When I got to the college this morning, I went down to the pond to check on the mama goose who has been sitting on her nest so diligently. I had noticed that her feathers yesterday seemed spread out, as if she had gained weight. Obviously, she had been hiding her chicks beneath her, because there they were with both Mom and Dad this morning. Dad protectively hissed at me as I neared to take the pictures. This is the first view of the new chick.
Meanwhile, right next to the new family was the established family. I have been watching them for a couple of weeks now. There are four goslings in this family. I have yet to see them in the water. It shouldn't be too much longer. They stay near Mom and Dad, but they preen with the best of them!
As I returned to my classroom, the older set of goslings had taken refuge in their mother's feathers! I think I was correct about the younger chicks hiding yesterday underneath their mother in the nest! Such fun!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One of the perks of working on the Columbia College campus is the wildlife.  The geese are sitting on their nests now, awaiting the arrival of their goslings.  The female is sitting on her nest every morning as I walk to my office.  She is patient, and her mate isn't squawking at me like he did last year.  Her goslings should appear any day now.  The mallards have taken to resting in the dirt by my office building. I don't quite understand their choice of spots, but they are cute to watch, too.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sleeping Boy!!!!

Have you seen anything sweeter than this boy sleeping? He is sooooo loved!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Trimmed Trees!

I have just had my trees trimmed. Nate Berner did a great job!!! He cut back all of the limbs that were reaching for the house and got rid of all the dead wood. He did the side trees and the back, too. I think the front trees look wonderful. The back looks good, too, but this is the more dramatic view.

More of Devun's Visit!!!

This is a little fuzzy, but he's smiling, so I had to post it!!! Isn't he the cutest? Right up there with his cute cousin, Collin!!!