Friday, October 8, 2010

Middle College Update

I have almost finished a whole quarter at the Middle College. I continue to really enjoy my students. But, I'm tired all the time. This week I crashed every evening before I could start working on lesson plans. I really paid for not working harder over the weekend. I cleaned the house and got the various stacks of Middle College books and papers organized! Yeah!

Last Sunday, I went to the junior Bach Festival Recital in Columbia. Two of my current students were performing. They were spectacular! Sydney sang

"L'hoperduta, me meschina" from The Marriage of Figaro. She has an incredible voice, and she is a very sweet individual. Emily played Concerto No.1 "Allegro assai" on the violin. What a performance! She, too, is a lovely young woman. Both girls are top academic students. I have pictures, but I don't think I should risk posting a picture of students online - Boo! One of my students from last year performed, too. Josh played Corelli's Sonata VIII on the trumpet. It was a wonderful afternoon! One of my seniors came to listen and support his classmates. Derrick is a wonderful young man. He is bright and kind. He plays the guitar and enjoys music of all types.

Meanwhile, I needed to complete more preparation in the evening this week. I also met with all of my students individually to discuss their essays. They are rewriting them in time to get their revised grade posted before quarter grades are due.

It has been raining here this week. My morning walk to class has been lovely along the pond and through the wet pines trees to my classroom. It is a very pleasant way to start the day.

Tomorrow morning, several of my students are meeting at 7:30 at the Senior Center in Sonora to help the Catholic Charities with an outreach program to senior citizens. We will be doing some yard work and light house cleaning.

Today, we had two individuals from Habitat for Humanity give a presentation. Several students are going to work with this organization. I'm excited about these community service opportunities and my students' positive respponses!

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