Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Cabin

The homestead cabin originally belonged to Gile Tiffany's father. Gile and his brother, Charles, inherited the cabin, and their families share it to this date. Gile's family, Elsa's side, share the cabin during July, and Charles' family have the cabin during the month of August.

The cabin sits on a site owned by the forest service. It has a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. There are three sleeping porches. One is off the hall to the bathroom. The other two are off the deck at the back of the house. It is a short walk to the lake, which has a wonderful path that almost circumscribes the entire lake. Elsa has walked the whole lake. We walked the length of the lake. We walked up the lake the first day to the Rancheria Boat Dock. Miguel made a great sandwich for us, which we enjoyed as we watched the sailboats during their final race. As we were walking toward the docks, we saw a cluster of butterflies.

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