Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Quick Split-Visit to Southern California

    Before I left for Chicago, I drove to Camarillo to spend the night with Elsa and Miguel.  Miguel finally agreed to drive us to LAX to catch our flight.  Thank you, Miguel!!!
    When I arrived, Elsa was anxiously awaiting a phone call from the daughter of a friend of hers.  Isabel had been visiting the United States for several months, but she had planned a trip to California before returning to France and wanted to see Elsa.  Elsa and her mother had met when Elsa was a student in France.  They had kept in touch, and Elsa had visited several times over the years.  Isabel finally arrived at the local train station about 8:00 p.m.  Elsa and I went to meet her, and what a delightful young woman she is!!!  We visited with her until late that evening and briefly in the morning.  We were lucky to get to share time together.

When I returned to Southern California, I spent a day with my good friend, Diane in Westlake Village.  The next day I moved to Marcine's because her daughter, Lark, was being given a baby shower.  I was lucky to meet Marcine's other grandchildren at the same time!  This is Mia and her darling daughter, Danine, better known as Dani.

                                                   Dani does love her rocking-horse.


                                                  Aunt Lark is holding baby Cara!

                                                Uncle Alonzo is enjoying Dani's delight in the
                                                 rocking horse.  

                                         Lark's shower was a lovely backyard affair.  Many
                                         of my former colleagues from Newbury Park High
                                         were present.  It was fun to reconnect.

                                              After the shower, I drove to Heather's for a little
                                              Collin time!  We played with puzzles, read stories,
                                              and laughed!

I had to leave, so I would be home in time to welcome
Elsa and Miguel.   They were dropping by on their way from
Lake Tahoe to their cabin at Huntington Lake.  I couldn't
join them at Huntington this year because I was expecting
Denise and Dave in just a couple of days.  What a fun-filled
summer I am having!

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