Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Excusions!

Melissa and Dana came home to meet the twins!  Yes,
Melissa's herd is growing!  Here are the newest members.
She also arrived to help celebrate the November birthdays!

                                        Here is her two-year-old bull.  He is huge!!!  She
                                        is considering selling him.  Anyone interested in a bull?

                                            Some dogs are just loved, like Haley!

                                                Dana and Melissa took me out for dinner on my
                                         birthday.  We went to Sarafina's in Arnold, mmmm!!
                                         I left for Heather's on Sunday.  Collin and I began
                                         playing immediately.  We constructed a great train
                                         track and played trains!

                                         On Tuesday, I got to watch one of Collin's swimming
                                         lessons.  He is learning all of the basics - Swim for the side!

                                                           Kick!  Kick!  Kick!!!

                                                               Float with a big belly!

                                                                     Dive in!!!

                                                      Collin's a happy swimmer!

                                                             His mommy is proud of him!

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